- “Editorial“
- 1) Published in the Conservative (April 1915, July 1915, October 1915); rpt. The Conservative: Complete (1976; rev. ed. 1977).These items contain general remarks on the nature and purpose of his amateur journal; later articles contain rebuttals of criticisms he has received in other amateur papers.2) Published in the United Amateur (July 1917 [as “Editorially”], November 1920, September 1921, January 1922, May 1924, July 1925).HPL wrote these editorials in his capacity as Official Editor of the UAPA and Editor of the United Amateur(HPL was guest editor of the July 1917 issue, taking over for Official Editor Andrew F.Lockhart, who had resigned). They cover events of importance in the amateur community. The articles of 1920–22 attempt to deflect criticism from some members that HPL was concentrating too much authority upon himself and his close associates; but HPL and his party lost the election of July 1922 over this very issue. HPL’s party (now including Sonia H.Greene as president) was voted back into office in July 1923, but the outgoing official board withheld funds so that no United Amateur could be issued until May 1924. HPL’s last two editorials are, accordingly, both bitter and melancholy in their lament for the decline of the UAPA, which collapsed in 1926.
An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia. S.T. Joshi, David E. Schultz.