
   Short story (1,720 words); written probably in the summer of 1928. First published in O-Wash-TaNong(January 1938); rpt. Phantagraph(June 1940); first collected in Uncollected Prose and Poetry II(1980); corrected text in MW
   In this “biography” of the celebrated Ibidus, the author is careful to point out that his masterpiece was not, as is sometimes believed, the Lives of the Poetsbut in fact the famous “ Op. Cit.wherein all the significant undercurrents of Graeco-Roman expression were crystallised once for all.” Ibid was born in 486 and taught rhetoric in Rome. His fortunes were mixed during the succession of barbarian invasions in Italy, and by 541 he had moved to Constantinople. He died in 587, but his remains later were exhumed and his skull began a long series of peregrinations and ended up—by way of Charlemagne, Alcuin, William the Conqueror, Oliver Cromwell, and others—in the New World, specifically in Salem, Mass., then in Providence, and finally in Milwaukee, where it rolled down into the burrow of a prairie-dog, only to be brought back to earth by a convulsion of Nature. HPL on one occasion dated this sketch to 1927 (see HPL to Maurice W.Moe, January 19, [1931]; AHT), but the first mention of it is in a letter by Moe to HPL dated August 3, 1928, so a date of 1928 seems more probable. The story was either included in a letter to Moe or was a separate enclosure in a letter to him; its epigraph (“‘…As Ibid says in his famous Lives of the Poets.’—From a student theme”) may refer to an actual statement from a paper by one of Moe’s students. HPL uses this real or fabricated piece of fatuity as the springboard for an exquisite tongue-in-cheek squib with numerous in-jokes (particularly in relation to HPL’s residence in Providence and Moe’s in Milwaukee). The target of the satire in “Ibid” is not so much the follies of students as the pomposity of academic scholarship. It is full of learned but preposterous footnotes and owlish references to real and fabricated historical events. Moe considered submitting the sketch to the American Mercuryor some such journal and asked
   HPL to revise it slightly; but later he and HPL concluded that revision for a commercial magazine was not possible and that the work “would have to be content with private circulation” (Maurice W.Moe to HPL, January 29, 1931; ms., JHL).

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  • Ibid. — (лат. сокращение от ibidem, «то же место», в русскоязычной литературе распространён эквивалент «там же»)  термин, использующийся в научных библиографиях. Использование термина обуславливается необходимостью обозначить, что ссылка на… …   Википедия

  • Ibid. — (Latin, short for ibidem , the same place ) is the term used to provide an endnote or footnote citation or reference for a source that was cited in the preceding endnote or footnote. It is similar in meaning to idem (meaning something that has… …   Wikipedia

  • Ibid — IBIDis an abbreviation for: *Ion beam induced depositionIbid., ibid., Ibid or ibid may refer to Ibid. article …   Wikipedia

  • Ibid — « ibid.[1] » ou « ib. » (abréviations du latin « ibidem », « le même endroit ») est le terme utilisé dans les références d un document, pour éviter la répétition lorsque la même source a été citée dans la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ibid. — « ibid.[1] » ou « ib. » (abréviations du latin « ibidem », « le même endroit ») est le terme utilisé dans les références d un document, pour éviter la répétition lorsque la même source a été citée dans la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ibid — ib‧id [ˈɪbɪd] written abbreviation ib used to explain that something is from the same book or article as the one that has just been mentioned; = id: • These data are reflected in the estimates (ibid. p. 7). * * * ibid UK US /ˈɪbɪd/ adverb ► used… …   Financial and business terms

  • ibid. — ibid. abbr. Latin When citing a work, indicates that the citation is to the same volume and page as the previous citation. Webster s New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000. ibid …   Law dictionary

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  • ibid. — ibid. also ibid, 1660s, abbreviation of L. ibidem in the same place, from ibi there + demonstrative suffix dem …   Etymology dictionary

  • ibid — abbrv. (Latin) Ibidem. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

  • ibid. — ibid. 〈Abk. für lat.〉 ibidem …   Universal-Lexikon

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