Macauley, George W[illiam]

Macauley, George W[illiam]
   Amateur journalist and colleague of HPL. Macauley coedited The New Member(a magazine for recent recruits to the UAPA) when HPL first joined amateur journalism and accordingly accepted HPL’s earliest amateur contribution, the essay “A Task for Amateur Journalists” (July 1914). He received his first letter from HPL on October 23, 1914, and continued to correspond regularly until about 1920, after which their correspondence was reduced to Christmas cards; but it revived in 1932. In 1915 HPL wrote to him: “I wish that I could write fiction, but it seems almost an impossibility.” After HPL’s death Macauley published several works by and about HPL in his amateur journal, The O-Wash-Ta-Nong, including “Perverted Poesie or Modern Metre” (December 1937), “Ibid” (January 1938), and “Extracts from H.P.Lovecraft’s Letters to G.W.Macauley” (Spring 1938; rpt LSNo. 3 [Fall 1980]: 11–16).

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