“Ballade of Patrick von Flynn
- “Ballade of Patrick von Flynn
; or, The Hibernio-German-American England-Hater, Ye.”
Poem (60 lines); written no later than April 23, 1915. First published in the Conservative(April 1916). A crude satire in which a group of anti-English Irishmen meet with some Germans, begin drinking, and threaten to join forces to slander England. HPL tactlessly sent the poem to the Irish-American John T.Dunn, whose reaction can be gauged by HPL’s comment: “I…am scarcely surprised that the ‘von Flynn’ ballad proved less than pleasing” (HPL to John T.Dunn, June 28, 1916; Books at Brown 38–39 [1991–92]:182). The poem is oddly prescient, as it was published at the very time of the Easter Rebellion in Dublin, when some Irish rebels joined forces with the Germans to overthrow British rule in Ireland. HPL continued to rant about the menace of unpatriotic Irish-Americans in “Lucubrations Lovecraftian” (1921).
An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia.
S.T. Joshi, David E. Schultz.
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