
   In “The Tree,” the sculptor who poisons his friend Kalos in order that he might win the competition they are engaged in to create a statue of Tyche for the Tyrant of Syracuse. He is killed and his sculpture destroyed by a limb from the tree at Kalos’ tomb that breaks off in a storm. The name means “son of the Muses” in Greek.

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  • The Tree (short story) — The Tree is a short story by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft, written in 1920 and first published in the October 1921.BackgroundThis story came early in Lovecraft s writing career, and is generally considered to be within his… …   Wikipedia

  • “Tree, The“ —    Short story (1,640 words); written in the first half of 1920. First published in Tryout(October 1921); rpt. WT(August 1938); first collected in BWS;corrected text in D    The “Tyrant of Syracuse” proposes a contest between the two great… …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

  • Kalos —    In “The Tree,” the sculptor, erstwhile friend of Musides, who competes with him in creating a sculpture of Tyche for the Tyrant of Syracuse. Musides poisons Kalos that he may take the prize, but Kalos exacts revenge from beyond the grave. The… …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

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