“Nietzscheism and Realism“

“Nietzscheism and Realism“
   Essay (1,680 words); probably written in the summer of 1921. First published in the Rainbow (October 1921; as “Nietscheism and Realism”); rpt. MW
   The text is a series of excerpts from two letters written to Sonia H.Greene (HPL to the Gallomo, August 21, 1921; AHT). HPL offers cynical reflections on politics and society, many of them inspired (in spite of the title) not from Nietzsche but from Schopenhauer. In politics, HPL recommends an aristocracy “because I deem it the only agency for the creation of those refinements which make life endurable for the human animal of high organisation.” Democracy and ochlocracy (rule of the mob), on the other hand, merely squanders “the aesthetic and intellectual resources which aristocracy bequeathed them and which they could never have created for themselves.” HPL considerably refined these views in his later political philosophy but never wholly abandoned them.

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