Norrys, Capt. Edward

Norrys, Capt. Edward
   In “The Rats in the Walls,” he is a former member of the Royal Flying Corps and friend of Alfred Delapore. Norrys assists Alfred’s father (the narrator of the story) in the restoration of Exham Priory and helps him attempt to find the source of the mysterious sound of rats heard throughout the castle. Ultimately the senior Delapore kills and partially devours him.

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  • “Rats in the Walls, The“ —    Short story (7,940 words); written late August or early September 1923. First published in WT(March 1924); rpt. WT (June 1930); first collected in O; corrected text in DH;annotated version in An1and CC    A Virginian of British ancestry, a man …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

  • Delapore, ———. —    The narrator of “The Rats in the Walls,” whose decision to restore Exham Priory, the home of his ancestors in England, ultimately leads to his downfall and his confinement in an insane asylum. Gilbert de la Poer, first Baron Exham, was granted …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

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