Bradofsky, Hyman

Bradofsky, Hyman
   (b. 1906)
   Correspondent of HPL (1934–37). He was president of the NAPA in 1935–36 and came under vicious attack by other members (in part, perhaps, because he was Jewish); HPL defended him in the essay “Some Current Motives and Practices” (1936), which R.H.Barlow mimeographed and distributed. As editor of the amateur journal The Californian (1933f.), he offered unprecedented space for lengthy contributions of fiction, essays, and poetry. The Summer 1937 memorial issue is devoted to HPL, containing fine memoirs (including Bradofsky’s own poignant brief recollection in the column, “Amateur Affairs”) and hitherto unpublished writings by HPL.

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  • “Night Ocean, The“ —    Short story (9,840 words); written in collaboration with R.H.Barlow, summer 1936. First published in the Californian (Winter 1936); first collected in HM    The narrator, a painter, comes to a sea resort named Ellston Beach to rest from the… …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

  • Amateur Journalism —    The amateur journalism movement consisted of various groups of writers belonging to the two leading amateur organizations of the period, the National Amateur Press Association (NAPA), founded in 1876, and the United Amateur Press Association… …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

  • Poe, Edgar Allan —    (1809–1849),    American author and predominant literary influence on HPL, who read him beginning at the age of eight. Poe pioneered the short story, the short horror tale, and the detective story; he was also an important poet, critic, and… …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

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