Chambers, Robert W[illiam]

Chambers, Robert W[illiam]
   American author. HPL discovered his early fantastic writing — The King in Yellow (1895), The Maker of Moons (1896), In Search of the Unknown (1904); also the later novel The Slayer of Souls (1920) — in early 1927, and he hastily updated “Supernatural Horror in Literature” just prior to publication to include a discussion of this work. Other weird works (not, apparently, read by HPL) include The Mystery of Choice (1897), The Tracer of Lost Persons (1906), The Tree of Heaven (1907), and The Talkers (1923). Chambers borrowed mythical names—Hastur, Carcosa, etc.—from Bierce; some of these (along with such of Chambers’ s own inventions as Yian) were in turn borrowed by HPL. “The Harbor-Master” (a separate short story later incorporated as the opening chapters of the episodic novel In Search of the Unknown) may have influenced “The Shadow over Innsmouth.” Chambers later became a best-selling writer of sentimental romances.
   See Lee Weinstein, “Chambers and The King in Yellow,” Romantist No. 3 (1979): 51–57; S.T.Joshi, “Robert W.Chambers,” Crypt No. 22 (Roodmas 1984): 26–33, 17.

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