Gamwell, Annie E[meline] Phillips

Gamwell, Annie E[meline] Phillips
   Fifth and last child of Whipple V.Phillips and Robie Alzada Place Phillips; youngest sister of Sarah Susan Phillips Lovecraft, HPL’s mother. Gamwell was educated in Providence and married Edward Francis Gamwell on June 3, 1897; they had two children, a son, Phillips Gamwell, and a daughter, Marion Roby Gamwell, who lived only five days in February 1900. She separated from her husband some time prior to the death of her son in Colorado at the end of 1916. During part of the period 1919–24, she assisted her sister Lillian Clark in keeping house for HPL at 598 Angell Street; however, in a letter to her dated August 27, 1921 ( SL1.148), HPL writes of her recently taking up residence in New Hampshire. She visited ancestral sites in western Rhode Island with HPL in 1926 and 1929. On May 15, 1933, she took up housekeeping with HPL in a second-story flat at 66 College Street, but broke her ankle soon after moving in; she also underwent an operation to remove a cancerous breast early in 1936 (in his letters HPL discreetly referred to the cause of her hospitalization as “grippe”). She was shocked to find her nephew’s “Instructions in Case of Decease” ( LSNo. 11 [Fall 1985]: 71–73) in the fall of 1936 and was unable to care for him effectively when he became gravely ill in the early months of 1937 because of her own illness. R.H.Barlow came to Providence shortly after HPL’s death and with her permission deposited most of HPL’s literary papers in the John Hay Library of Brown University during the period 1937–42. August Derleth and Donald Wandrei also visited her in Providence in 1938. They dedicated to her the first hardcover collection of HPL’s stories, O . She died of cancer in early 1941.

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