Gamwell, Edward F[rancis]

Gamwell, Edward F[rancis]
   Married HPL’s aunt Annie Emeline Phillips on June 3, 1897. He received the A.B. from Brown University in 1894. Gamwell was city editor of the Cambridge (Mass.) Chronicle(1896–1901), editor and proprietor of the Cambridge Tribune(1901–12), and editor of the Budgetand American Cultivator,both published from Boston (1913–15); thereafter, he engaged in independent commercial writing and advertising. He was the editor of An Historic Guide to Cambridge (1907). Gamwell separated from his wife sometime before the end of 1916. He removed from Cambridge to Boston about 1931. HPL notes that it was Gamwell’s journalistic work that inspired him to begin the Rhode Island Journal of Astronomyin 1903 (see SL1.39).
   See Kenneth W.Faig, Jr., Edward Francis Gamwell and His Family (Moshassuck Press, 1991).

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