Gamwell, Phillips

Gamwell, Phillips
   Son of Annie E.Phillips Gamwell and Edward F.Gamwell. He was the only other member of HPL’s generation in descent from Whipple V.Phillips and his wife Robie A.Place Phillips. He lived most of his short life with parents in Cambridge, Mass. He began corresponding with HPL around 1910. HPL donated his boyhood stamp collection to him. HPL later attributed his fondness for letter-writing to the extensive correspondence he had with Gamwell from 1912 to 1916 (see SL3.370). In October 1916 Gamwell and his mother traveled to Roswell, Col., where Phillips’s paternal grandmother Victoria Clarissa Maxwell had relatives, in an attempt to regain his failing health. He died there on December 31, 1916, of tuberculosis. HPL wrote a poetic tribute, “An Elegy on Phillips Gamwell, Esq.” (Providence Evening News,January 5, 1917).

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  • Gamwell, Annie E[meline] Phillips —    (1866–1941).    Fifth and last child of Whipple V.Phillips and Robie Alzada Place Phillips; youngest sister of Sarah Susan Phillips Lovecraft, HPL’s mother. Gamwell was educated in Providence and married Edward Francis Gamwell on June 3, 1897; …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

  • Gamwell, Edward F[rancis] —    (1869–1936).    Married HPL’s aunt Annie Emeline Phillips on June 3, 1897. He received the A.B. from Brown University in 1894. Gamwell was city editor of the Cambridge (Mass.) Chronicle(1896–1901), editor and proprietor of the Cambridge… …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

  • Phillips, Whipple Van Buren —    (1833–1904)    HPL’s maternal grandfather; son of Capt. Jeremiah Phillips (1800–1848) and Robie Rathbun (1797– 1848). He was educated in Foster, R.I., and the East Greenwich Academy. He spent 1852–53 in Delavan, Ill. (a temperance town), on… …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

  • Phillips, James Wheaton —    (1830–1901)    HPL’s grand uncle; elder brother of Whipple V.Phillips. He married Jane Ann Place on November 6, 1853. He owned a farm on Johnson Road in Foster, R.I., where HPL and his mother stayed for two weeks in 1896 and again in 1908. HPL …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

  • Howard Phillips Lovecraft — Para otros usos de este término, véase H. P. Lovecraft (desambiguación). Howard Phillips Lovecraft Howard Phillips Lovecraft Nacimiento …   Wikipedia Español

  • Howard Phillips Lovecraft — Lovecraft mit seiner Frau (1924) Howard Phillips Lovecraft (* 20. August 1890 in Providence, Rhode Island; † 15. März 1937 ebenda) war ein US amerikanischer Schriftsteller. Er gilt als einer der weltweit einflussreichsten Autoren im Bereich der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • H. P. Lovecraft — This article is about the author. For the rock group, see H. P. Lovecraft (band). H. P. Lovecraft H. P. Lovecraft, circa 1934. Born Howard Phillips Lovecraft August 20, 1890(1890 08 20) Providence, Rhode Island, United States …   Wikipedia

  • List of works by H. P. Lovecraft — This is a complete, exhaustive list of works by H. P. Lovecraft. Dates are the time of composition, not publication. Many of these works can be found on . Fiction* At the Mountains of Madness (February 22 March 1931) * Azathoth (June 1922) *… …   Wikipedia

  • H. P. Lovecraft — Howard P. Lovecraft Nom de naissance Howard Phillips Lovecraft Autres noms Lewis Theobald Jr Ward Phillips Activités Romancier, nouvelliste Naissance 20 août 1890 Providence, Rhode Island …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Letters, Lovecraft’s —    Shortly after his death, HPL’s longtime friend Maurice W. Moe wrote: “If there is ever a survey to determine the greatest letter writer in history, the claims of Lovecraft deserve close investigation” (“Howard Phillips Lovecraft: The Sage of… …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

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